Rates revaluation wexford
Rates payable by an individual ratepayer are a product of the Net Annual Value (NAV) set by the Valuation Office and the Annual Rates on Valuation (ARV), set by the particular local authority. For the 8 local authorities where Reval2019 has just been completed, the outcome of the revaluation will become effective from January 2020. Likely Rates for 2020: €10,000 x 0.212 = €2,120.00. National Revaluation Programme Introduction. The Valuation Office is the State property valuation agency responsible for the valuation of all commercial property for the purposes of the levying of commercial rates by local authorities. Revaluation Under a Revaluation, all properties within the Local Authority will be valued for rates based upon the estimated or hypothetical rental value as at a specified Valuation Date. Rates will then be determined as a fixed percentage of this rental figure.